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Software Localization & Technical Documentation
Creative and varied language has its place, and this translator knows when it is not applicable. WordFighter is specialized in software localization and technical translation. Technical user guides and IT texts require strict observation of consistency in style and terminology. For such tasks, we use translation memory tools and terminology glossaries to ensure consistency. 

Many years of working for major software companies, such as Microsoft and Apple, have given WordFighter substantial experience in the work processes and tools involved in localization projects. 

Multimedia products for entertainment, education, or information purposes often contain a mixture of software text, educational/informative text, and speech dialogs. In many cases, the content could also include plays on words, songs, etc. To translate such texts, without missing the point and losing the entertainment value, requires a creative mind and a feeling for fluency and idiomatic terms. Here, WordFighter profits from being based on extensive experience in subtitling, which contains many of the same elements. 


WordFighter Roesnaesvej 183 4400 Kalundborg Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 20 15 35 03 E-mail: info (at)