WordFighter   •  Translation  •  Localization  •  LQA  •  Profile 

WordFighter was established in 1996 by Brian Alvin Poulsen. He started his career as a translator in 1984 and has been involved in translation and writing within a variety of fields. Over the years he has obtained a high degree of experience and skills, which today are used to give WordFighter's customers the best service. Brian values quality and flexibility and strives to build a relationship of confidence and trust with his customers. 

Today Brian works as a freelance translator and provides services to international translation companies all over the world. He is well reputed for his proofreading skills, and review/validation jobs today make up an increasing part of his work. The majority of jobs today fall within the field of software localization, but in fact translation jobs requiring creativity and fluency are much closer to his heart.

As a professional and experienced translator, Brian is of course familiar with a range of translation tools which facilitate the work and ensure a higher quality and consistency within the translation.

Among project types where Brian has substantial experience, are the localization of software applications and online help systems, the translation of user guides within computer, automotive, and tools technology, multimedia translations - including software, scripts, and songs - movie subtitling, and much more... 



WordFighter Roesnaesvej 183 4400 Kalundborg Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 20 15 35 03 E-mail: info (at)