WordFighter   •  Translation  •  Localization  •  LQA  •  Profile 
There is more to a translation than looking up words in a dictionary. Translation is communication. Language and content must be adapted to the target audience. It is essential that the translated text presents itself in clear and unambiguous terms. Source texts are often complex or constructed in a way inexpedient to the target audience. In this situation, it is the translator's responsibility to rephrase and localize the text - i.e. retaining the intended meaning and effect in Danish.

WordFighter aims at supplying translations that meet these requirements. It is our philosophy that the successful translation should be perceived as if it was authored in Danish! 

In the end, the translation should always be coherent and provide the reader with technically correct and appropriate content. 


WordFighter Roesnaesvej 183 4400 Kalundborg Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 20 15 35 03 E-mail: info (at)